Pole 1-7

Classes to suit all pole tech levels. View the details below to find out what level is appropriate forwhere you’re at.

Alternatively you can contact us to discuss further, or you can attend a level you think is best and you will assessed during class and the instructor will let you know where is best to go from there.

Jump to a class to find out more:

POLE 1  |  POLE 2  |  POLE 3  |  POLE 4  |  POLE 5 POLE 6  |  POLE 7

Pole 1

Description: The place you go when you have finished your pole Foundations course. This is where the real fun starts as you build on what you have learnt in your beginner classes and create fun combos. Your muscles will start to get a real workout as will your cardio as you get into more flow and dancing.

Core moves we learn: Hook Spins, Swan, Vomitron, Climb, Layout, Hollywood Spin, Hello Boys, Pirouette, Secretary, Stag Spin

Prerequisites: Must have completed Foundations Course or equivalent. Must be able to perform a straight leg sit on both sides, front and back hooks, climbing prep and fireman spin.

What you need: wear shorts and a singlet top, bring grip and a rocking pair of pole shoes (we also have plenty you can borrow)

Class times: Wentworth Falls – Mondays @ 7.30pm, Tuesdays @ 9.30am, Tuesdays @ 5.30pm, Wednesdays @ 6.30pm. Lithgow – Tuesdays @ 5.30pm, Wednesdays @ 6.30pm, Thursdays @ 6.30pm.

Pole 2

Description: Time to level up and start adding to your pole repertoire. This level focuses on developing skin conditioning and the strength of your knee hook – all while pointing your toes and making it look pretty.

Core moves we learn: Superman From Floor, Angel/Devil, Cradle Spin, Boomerang, Hood Ornament, Hello Girls, Ankle Grab Invert with safe exit, Viva, Martini, Side Climb, Hello Boys Thread Through, Star, Air Walks, Genie, Aerial Teddy, Froggie Lifts

Prerequisites: Must safely and comfortably perform Core Pole 1 moves on both sides. These include: Hook Spins, Swan, Vomitron, Climb, Layout, Hollywood Spin, Hello Boys, Pirouette, Secretary, Stag Spin.

What you need: wear shorts, a singlet top, grip and a rocking pair of pole shoes or two (we also have plenty you can borrow)

Class times: Wentworth Falls – Wednesdays @ 6.30pm, Thursdays @ 6.30pm and Fridays @ 5.30pm.    Lithgow – Tuesdays @ 6.30pm, Thursdays @ 6.30pm.

Pole 3

Description: This is where pole gets serious and mostly, upside down. By this stage you are fully committed to pole and possibly slightly obsessed. Your shoulders are developing some amazing ripples and you’ll want to show off those back muscles.

Core moves we learn: Butterfly (Classic), Ballerina, Scorpio Flatline, Cross Leg Hangback, Jamilla, Marley, Outside and Inside Leg Hangs, Shoulder Mount Preps, Straddles, Superman (from Outside Leg Hook), Aerial Genie, Cupid, Pole Split, Bat, Bow and Arrow (forearm stand), Stargazer, Violator, Tulip, Flare, Claw Grip Invert, Side Superman.

Prerequisites: Must safely and comfortably perform Core Pole 2 moves on both sides. These include: Superman From Floor, Angel/Devil, Cradle Spin, Boomerang, Hood Ornament, Hello Girls, Ankle Grab Invert with safe exit, Viva, Martini.

What you need: wear pole shorts and a crop top- time to get your shelf out, bring grip and all the pole shoes you have bought so far… (we also have plenty you can borrow)

Class times: Wentworth Falls – Mondays @ 5.30pm, Wednesdays @ 5.30pm, Thursdays @ 10.30am, Fridays @ 6.30pm. Lithgow – Thursdays @ 5.30pm.

Pole 4

Description: Living the pole life!

Core moves we learn: Allegra, Extended Butterfly, Shoulder Mount, Brass Monkey, Remi Sit, Leg Switches, Aerial Straddles (spinning forwards and backwards), Aerial Ballerina, Inverted D, Box Split, Vortex, Table Top, Fallen Star, Inverted Ball, Straight Leg Hangback, Apprentice Climb, Aerial Flare, Jade Prep (inverted pike), Mantis, Nose Dive, Scorpio Handstand.

Prerequisites: Must safely and comfortably perform Core Pole 3 moves on both sides. These include: Butterfly, Ballerina, Scorpio Flatline, Cross Leg Hangback, Jamilla, Marley, Outside And Inside Leg Hangs, Shoulder Mount Preps, Straddles, Superman (from Outside Leg Hook), Genie, Cupid, Pole Split.

What you need: all your pole gear and all your grip, season dependent.

Class Times: Wentworth Falls – Thursdays @ 5.30pm, Saturdays @ 10.30am.

Pole 5

Description: Pole is life.

Core moves we learn: Allegra (variations), Ayesha, Superman Bridge, Shoulder Mount (various grips), Jade Split, Moon Beam, Yogini, Straddle inverts (various grips), Archer, Chopsticks, Floating Star, Table Top, Brass Bridge, Butterfly (various grips), Straddle Climb, Devil’s Point Shuffle, Caterpillar, Unicorn, Inverted Unicorn and split, Triangle, Albatross.

Prerequisites: Must safely and comfortably perform Core Pole 4 moves on both sides. These include: Jamilla To Extended Butterfly, Allegra (Open), Extended Butterfly, Shoulder Mount, Brass Monkey, Remi Sit, Leg Switches, Aerial Straddles (Spinning Forwards And Backwards), Aerial Ballerina, Ayesha Prep (Pike), decent front split both sides.

What you need: Your pole bag.

Class times: Wentworth Falls – Thursdays @ 11.30am, Saturdays @ 10.30am.

Pole 6

Description: For the love of pole.

Core moves we learn: Remi Sit Layback, Ayesha (cup and elbow grip), Aerial Flare, Aerial Shoulder Mounts, Shoulder Mount Pops, Trap Split, Dragons Tail, Inverted Pencil Spin, Hand Spring, Elbow Split, Libuella, Pegasus, Titanic, Iguana, Broken Doll, Aerial Ayesha, Jade Split Variations, Tangled Split, Plus Sign, Inside Leg Hand Split, Satellite Prep, Arabesque, Icarus, Allegra no hands, A-Frame, Sylviesplit, Cocaine Split, Jallegra, Devil Split.

Prerequisites: Must safely and comfortably perform Core Pole 5 moves on both sides. These include: Shoulder Mount To Outside Leg Hang, Allegra, Jade, Aerial inverts (various grips) spinning forwards and backwards, Superman Exists, Ayesha,

What you need: Everything pole.

Class times: Wentworth Falls – Fridays @ 8.30pm.

Pole 7 (Advanced)

Please contact the studio for details.

Here are the moves we work on: Elbow split from genie, Dragon’s Tail variations, Russian Split, Elephant Split, Trap Split (other leg), Batwing, Meridian, Seagull Split, Iron X, Phoenix, Baby Spatch Split, Spatchcock, Elbow grip Shoulder mount (and split), Deadlifts, Hunter Press, Marion Amber, Janerio, Meathook, Machine Gun, Flips, Chest Press, Summer Split, Sarah Jade, Sickle Foot Split, Deville… and the ever growing list of moves from Insta that we all want to try!!


Do I need to be strong to take pole class?

Nope, absolutely not. It is by attending class that your strength will grow and you will be able to do more than you think. Pole MAKES you strong, you don’t have to be strong before you even start.

Do I need to be able to dance to do pole classes?

No dance experience is necessary for our Beginner friendly classes. These include: In Heels Baby, Static Styles, Flirty Pole and Foundations. Our Intermediate Pole Dance class requires more pole and dance experience. Please see our Pole Dancing page for more details.

How much are your classes?

Please see our Pricing Page for all class prices.

What do I wear to a pole class?

Wear a singlet and gym shorts or pants that you can roll above the knee. You’ll notice that most pole dancers wear tight shorts and crop tops – that’s because you require skin grip to do more advanced moves. As you progress you’ll get a feel for what clothes are right for you to wear in class.

Do I need to be flexible?

No, you will increase your flexibility during your classes.

What if I miss a class?

If you have cancelled within the 8 hour window then your class credit will remain on your account and you can use this on any class within your fortnightly payment period.

What is your Cancellation Policy?

We understand sometimes life can get busy and you can’t always make class. Studio Off Duty is a small, boutique studio and we have smaller classes to ensure a higher quality. If you cannot make your class, please cancel or reschedule via the website or Mindbody Booking System outside our 8 hour cancellation time frame. That way you will not forfeit your class.